Dr. Loong

Zhao Peng You 找朋友

Zhao ya zhao ya zhao ya zhao  找呀找呀找呀找

Look and look and look for a friend
Zhao dao yi ge hao peng you  找到一个好朋友 

I have found a good friend
Jing ge li ya 敬 个礼呀

Wo wo shou ya 握握手呀  

Shake hands
Ju ge gong ya 鞠个躬呀  

Take a bow
Xiao xi xi ya  笑嘻嘻呀

And make a smile

Ni shi wo di hao peng you 你是我的好朋友   

You are my good friend
Zai jian 再见  



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Let's learn the song:

Musical Concept:

So-Mi , Ta, ti-ti (sorry, in Mandarin, figure out yourself)

Hawaiian Keiki

Teachers and children from Kunming

Teachers and children from Xinjiang